|HD 1080p| La Gomera
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➡ ✵✯✷✭☼♥✻★⎈☆≈★♠⇑∞
Correspondent: Orlando Arciniegas
Bio: Profesor, MSc. en Ciencia Política, PhD en Historia
- writers Corneliu Porumboiu
- Directors Corneliu Porumboiu
- Review A policeman is intent on freeing a crooked businessman from a prison in Romania. He travels to Gomera, an island in the Canaries, where he must first learn the difficult local dialect, a language which includes hissing and spitting
- 2019
- Duration 1h, 37 Minutes
La gomera google maps.
Just got back from Tenerife, stayed in Adeje and I miss it so much! Definitely be back again soon.
Dale Like si tú también lloraste
The whole time im just thinking: HOW TF.
The promotion of this movie as a comedy really does it a disservice. In reality, it's very twisty, complex neo-noir, which is fine. I was attracted to the film partly because I had heard it was funny, but it isn't (although there is a little bit of wry/cynical humor. Misrepresenting a movie's genre sets it up to fail with viewers, who go in expecting something different.
If you do like neo-noir crime dramas with a lot of references to past classic films (both Romanian and American) this is definitely one to check out. It has a great soundtrack as well.
Brilliant video, thanks for posting. This is a great video! I've always wanted to go there. ICH BITTE ALLE DEN TEXT SORGFÄLTIG ZU LESEN, auf likes scheisse ich, brauche es nicht wie andere. World War Z, Zombie Virus verbreitet sich in alle Welt! Kein Witz! Coronavirus verdoppelt sich alle 6 Tage, 14 İnkubationszeit, d.h. die schrecklichen Smpthome bleiben 7-14 Tage versteckt unendeckt und können trotzdem Tausende andere anstecken usw. usw. usw... Sowas gab es noch nie, das ist ja das schreckliche, bei Sars lag die Verbreitung extrem darunter, denn das Erkennen infizierter war deutlich effizienter und unter Quarantäne zu stellen. Die Krankheit verbreitet exorbitant schnell aus. Was soll also die ganze Scheiss Verharmlosung durch die Medien und den möchtegern Ärzten. Sorry! Die Ärzte in Deutschland sind nicht wesentlich besser ausgebildet als eine amerikanische Krankenschwester, was allgemein bekannt ist, die medizinische Ausbildung dort ist viel besser, auch wenn wir deutsch, fortgeschritten und patriotisch sind müssen wir realistisch sein das das amerikanische Niveau deutlich höher ist. Dir reden ehrlicher! Woher also die Arroganz deutscher Ärzte? Ich verstehe die Lüge in Deutschland nicht, anstatt die Leute aufzuklären wie sie gut erkennen ob sie infiziert sind und am besten reagieren um nicht noch weitere anzustecken, gibt es dergleichen null Aufklärung! Deutschland/Europa muss sich komplett abschotten, sonst wird uns noch alle der Teufel holen. Das wird schneller gehen als wir denken. Wie willst du 1-2-3-4-5 Millionen infizierte in welchen Krankenhäusern behandeln? Es gibt kein Mittel gegen den Coronavirus. Vergesst das nicht.
Welcome to Tourism of La Gomera What not to miss in La Gomera A recommended selection of experiences to enjoy your holidays in La Gomera Places of interest in La Gomera Loading… San Sebastián de la Gomera The XIX Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968 are historically related to the island of La Gomera. A local sportsman participated in these Games and the Olympic fire visited the island, leaving the fact in the memory of the people of the island. It is the best preserved medieval fortification of the Canary Islands. Erected around 1470, but reformed in the sixteenth century, its main use was for the defense of internal rebellions of the island. Structured in three parts, the windows are loopholes from where arrows and muskets were shot. It currently holds an exhibition of historical maps of the island of La Gomera inside. Built in the sixteenth century but rebuilt in the eighteenth a magnificent sculpture of a Virgin of American origin can be found inside. Former county house around a central courtyard, inside, you can see an exhibition about the trips of Christopher Columbus to America. The legend says that the admiral took the water with which he blessed the new continent from an old well that is still preserved. XVIII century old house built around a courtyard with top runner. There is a permanent exhibition of pre-Columbian sculpture of great interest inside. The legend says that Christopher Columbus was here, but it is something that no documentation can confirm. Built in stages, dating back to a small shrine of mud and stones from the fifteenth century. We must highlight the first building façade; its origin goes back to Portugal and is called “Manueline” style, with ogee archs and ropes intertwined. In the eighteenth century it was enlarged with two aisles. There is a museum of religious art inside, where we must highlight the artwork from the sixteenth to the nineteenth. Of special interest is the chapel of El Pilar, with its mural painting alluding to the battle against the English pirate Charles Windham in 1753. Imposing sculpture of colossal dimensions overlooking one of the flanks of the ravine of La Concepción all San Sebastian. Built in the 1960 and dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is one of the most famous viewpoints from which to observe the island’s capital. Located in the hamlet of Tejiade, is one of the least known shrines of the island of La Gomera. Founded in 1719 by Jose Rodriguez, a neighbor of Agulo, dweller in the southern lands. We must highlight inside the size of the image of San Jose, anonymous work of the eighteenth century. Founded around 1535 by order of the first Count of La Gomera, Don Guillen, this chapel reflects the Portuguese influence in architecture, as seen in the capitals of the columns of the arch leading to the chapel. The image of the saint of the municipality is a carving of the eighteenth century. We must highlight the keystone of the arch of the entrance, with a relief of the arrows alluding to the martyrdom of the holy Roman. Monument erected at the foot of Agando Roque, witness of one of the most voracious fires of the island. The names of the deceased are preserved in a plaque for their memory. Located in the Jerdune area, on the south plain of the grain village, the hermitage was founded in the sixteenth century by order of the Count and you can see inside pieces of remarkable interest, such as the Virgin of Light, a Flemish carving of around 1530. Today it is also a popular recreational area. Located under the Roque Agando, Benchijigua was historically the land of the Count. It is currently known for its traditional architecture and for being a main stop of the island’s paths network. 36º FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DE CANARIAS: ORQUESTA DE CÁMARA RUSA DE SAN PETERSBURGO EN VALLE GRAN REY DE SAN La Orquesta de Cámara Rusa de San Petersburgo, fundada en 1990 por músicos graduados del renombrado Conservatorio Rimsky-Korsakov de San Petersburgo, es sin duda uno de los embajadores musicales más importantes de su país. La orquesta refleja de forma impresionante el talento musical y alto nivel de educación musical de su ciudad. PROGRAMA Director: Juri Gilbo I. Stravinsky Apolo Musageta ( Ballet) ( 31 min. ) M. Bonino “Invocaciones”- Encargo del Festival. Estreno Mundial Schubert/Mahler La Muerte y la Doncella ( para orquesta de cámara y cuerda) ( 38 min. ) 20:00 h. Casa de la Cultura de Valle Gran Rey Precio: Precio único: 30€ Entradas: Discover the trees and shrubs of the laurel forests on La Gomera What is a laurel forest? It is a subtropical forest which is characteristic of some of the Macaronesian archipelago (the Canaries, Madeira and the Azores). Although its name comes from the Latin lauri+silva, “forest of laurels”, in reality it consists of many more species. On La Gomera, you will find possibly the best representation of this type of ecosystem, and because of this, it was designated as a National Park in 1981 and a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1986. Do you want to pretend to be a botanist in Garajonay? The challenge consists of identifying as many tree species as you can find in Garajonay. How will you do this? Firstly, try to identify the leaves of the trees and shrubs with the help of the key that we have provided in this small guide, and then check on the Arbolapp Canarias app for identifying trees, which you can upload to your mobile. Shall we begin? This is the app that you can upload: You will find much more information in the visitors guide to the Garajonay National Park which you can upload from the following website: Read More Suggestions for enjoying and discovering the birds of La Gomera 1) You should know that there are two endemic birds on La Gomera that are very sought after by bird watchers: the Laurel Pigeon and Bolle’s Pigeon. As they are rather difficult to see, they have become an interesting challenge, for which we recommend that you familiarise yourself with their images and identify their distinguishing features beforehand. 2) the recommended time of day to observe these birds is at first light, which is when they are most active, also at dusk, when they return to their roosting sites. That is generally when you can enjoy their song. 3) What you should carry in your backpack. What do the experts carry? A field guide to birds with good photographs, binoculars (at least one pair per two or three persons), note book (to note observations and draw the birds found on your outing), discrete-coloured clothing (brown, green and black) which will provide camouflage, camera, preferably with a high zoom lens, recorder to record bird song (for beginners, current mobile phones offer this option and provide very good quality recordings) and lastly, food and drink, it is very important to have water, particularly during hot weather. 4) Some interesting information for choosing binoculars: […] Vallehermoso and its southern side This part of the island shows us its charm through its hamlets, neighbourhoods, forest and beaches where the sun is the protagonist. Its more than 300 days of sunshine guarantee the climate you always wish for to be able to enjoy a truly unforgettable holiday. The area invites you to discover it by foot, car, bike or boat trips and allows you to do all sorts of outdoor activities. If you come from the north in a south easterly direction, once you cross the park, you will find yourself on the other side of the municipality, with scenery that changes as much as the temperature and the humidity in the area. Today we will tell you about Chipude, La Dama and La Rajita. Chipude The farm terraces welcome us to this picturesque village, some of them with grapes which are used to make wines full of personality. La Fortaleza Natural Monument (link) guards the area with its towering walls and holy past. Its flat summit houses archaeological ruins and its flora includes protected and endangered species. The name “fortaleza” describes all of the elevations of land with the highest, flattest part rising above its surroundings, dominating it. Numerous trails cover […] Family Tourism The charming island, an ideal place to visit with children Charmed by its inhabitants, charmed by its visitors, charmed by the privileged climate unique to the Canary Islands, charmed by the trade winds… Visiting La Gomera with family allows us to feel that charming characteristic enveloping what we really love. The little ones and not so little ones immediately become stars of the most entertaining and mysterious stories you can imagine. This is because La Gomera has that still-preserved charm of being a healthy land, with untouched landscapes, clean air, intense scents of the sea and forest, everything that allows us to feel pampered in an unbeatable environment. Our proposal is an intimate encounter with nature, starting at the Garajonay National Park. There are plenty of trails to stroll along with children and that have different degrees of difficulty. From the smallest children to the most intrepid, they all have their own specially prepared route. Telling them the story of Gara and Jonay before visiting the Park already prepares them to enjoy it to the fullest. As soon as they begin to see the first trees (if they are lucky enough to see the sea of clouds, they will understand […] For whoever is visiting La Gomera for the first time You have arrived at La Gomera only have one day to enjoy it! Surely you will find it a short amount of time, indeed it is so! La Gomera is an island that has an impact on everyone, whoever visits it for the first time, wants to go back. La Gomera conquers from the very first like love at first sight. The Garajonay National Park is without a doubt a must. You will probably first see it from a scenic view point or from the the Great Lagoon (Laguna Grande). There, you will be able to catch a glimpse of the greatness and lushness of this exceptional forest; but the real way of enjoying and appreciating it would be to enter its trails. There are pathways available for all likings. Among them, one can find short, rather even pathways, as well as, challenging trails surrounded by scenery of extraordionary beauty. It is very probable that during your first visit you rush through some of the villages of the island. However, one would need to spend some peaceful time there in order to be able to get to know the place well. Each village has it’s own uniqueness […] El Cedro – a fairytale forest A continuous flow of water accompanies the hiker who enters this area of the park. There are just a few places in the Canary Islands that have a stream with natural pools, and El Cedro is possibly the best example of it. Here every drop that runs through this channel has its story and not just any story, it carries with it a journey through the clouds, which are drawn by the trade winds to meet the slopes of the north side of the island, to finally hit trees that act like sponges. This incredible phenomenon is known as the “horizontal rain” and is responsible for nourish and nurture the riverbed of this stream with each drop coming from so far away. Knowing its story, the hiker appreciates if possible, even more, the visual beauty that the water leaves along his footsteps. Here, the whole landscape forms a stage where nature becomes the protagonist to show everyone its charm and beauty. The enormous and well-preserved specimens of heathers, beeches, hollies, Indian bay and Portuguese laurel are often covered with moss and lichens that further emphasize their enigmatic beauty. The ferns which are great in size and a deep green […] Read More.
La gomera canary. La gomera film online. Cristi is a middle aged undercover police officer with mommy issues who is trying to find the location of some stolen money. So he goes to a remote island to learn a whistling language that will allow him to communicate with the criminals from a distance. There he rekindles a relationship with his old flame and his priorities change. As both the criminals and his colleagues are onto Cristi what choices will he make to come out clean of his predicament? A clever game of cops and robbers ensues.
Summing up this multi layered, not always coherent plot, is not an easy task. THE WHISTLERS takes a long time to get going but it's many elements come together building up to something special. Heavy on movie references it is heavily inspired by Tarantino movies, although the style of the cinematography is rather dull.
The script on paper must look great, but this is the case where a writer should let go of his work and let someone else direct. Cornelliu Porumboiu helmed 13 films but seems to be still searching for his directing style. While all the cast do their job well, the motives of their characters for the majority of the film are obscure to say the least.
But if this is the originality you are looking for THE WHISTLERS is for you. With good timing and a genuine sense of wit it is a rewarding experience for those who will stick with it until the end.
Dios bendiga chico sandy tu hase un travajo muy lindo. : things that make me smile. Straight off, this movie is totally different to what you may be used when thinking about Romanian movies. Starting with the story, the cast (Catrinel Marlon is magnificent) the scenery, smart humor and hidden little gems (references to various famous scenes in other movies) this film makes you think you're watching more of a Hollywood movie than a Romanian one, although, as a downside, I must say certain characters seem to be portrayed a bit simplistic.
The story is, to some extent, a typical police one, but the twist of using the whistling language from Gomera Island enriches the plot all around as it unfolds.
I really liked the movie and I would be happy if it sets the new trend in Romanian Cinema.
La gomera weather. La gomera cycling. What an amazing experience you can feel the anticipation and excitement, it reminds me of being a teenager and trying to tempt carp on floating crust. Bloody excellent video really enjoyed that, thanks lads. Danke für den tollen Einblick auf La Gomera 😊.
La gomera crime. La gomera pronunciation. La gomera canarias. La gomera tenerife. La gomera carp fishing.
La gomera movie. Example of booking on the same island in a neighboring city at the beginning of March 2020. Congrats for the amazing piece of art you've made. The footage taken really catches the island's vibes. Keep on rolling.
Thank you for this lovely video.
La gomera-film.
La gomera images. Schönes inspirierendes Video. Dieser Ort liegt auf meiner Wünsche Liste. Lg. Ab Sekunde 1: Eddys Blick. Der hat mich echt gekillt hahaha. La gomera island. I really enjoy watching these vids with Alan - he comes across as an aimiable bloke and is always entertaining. Awesome fish in this vid; the size of those tails and the length of their barbules which must be used for deep grubbing around the bottom. Thanks for uploading. La gomera gigante. Kuva: Shutterstock Upeiden maisemien La Gomera on Kanariansaarista toiseksi pienin. Monille matkailijoille vielä tuntematon saari sopii erityisesti rauhaa etsiville matkailijoille, ja sinne saavutaankin yleensä rentoutumaan ja reippailemaan. Erilainen Kanariansaari La Gomeralla matkailija saattaa joutua muistuttamaan itseään olevansa Kanariansaarilla. Teneriffan naapurisaari on pysynyt aitona ja rauhallisena keitaana, jossa jylhät vuoristot ja vehreät metsät hehkuvat vasten sinistä Atlanttia. La Gomeralla on reilut 20 000 asukasta. Saarella on mielenkiintoinen historia: La Gomera oli tutkimusmatkailija Kolumbuksen viimeinen etappi Euroopassa ennen kuin mies lähti valloittamaan Amerikkaa. Tarun mukaan paikalliseen neitoon ihastunut Kolumbus vietti La Gomeralla kuukauden. La Gomeran saari on tunnettu vihellyskielestään, el silbosta. Aikoinaan vihellyskieltä käytettiin laaksojen yli kommunikoimiseen, eikä muinainen puhetapa ole kuollut – vihellyskieli on pakollinen oppiaine paikallisissa kouluissa. La Gomera sopii rauhaa etsivälle aurinkolomailijalle. Vaikka osa matkailijoista on löytänyt jo La Gomeran, on pieni saari vielä varsin koskematon, sillä suuri osa vierailijoista suuntaa edelleen suuremmille naapurisaarille. Saarelta ei löydy vilkasta yöelämää tai hulppeaa ostostarjontaa, vaan La Gomeralle matkataan yleensä joko rentoutumaan tai patikoimaan kauniissa luonnossa. Luonnosta ja kasveista kiinnostuneet matkailijat ihastuvat La Gomeraan. Saarella ei ole erityisesti lapsiperheille suunnattuja aktiviteetteja. Aurinkoa ja lämpöä ympäri vuoden La Gomeran ilmasto on aurinkoinen ja lämmin vuoden ympäri. Kesäkuukausina kuumuus saattaa olla liikaa varsinkin patikoijille, sillä lämpötilat kohoavat 30 asteen tuntumaan. Talvikausi noin 20 asteen keskilämpötiloineen on oivallinen ajankohta vaellusmatkalle. La Gomeralla ei tarvitse kesäkaudella pelätä sadetta, mutta lokakuusta maaliskuulle pienet sademäärät ovat mahdollisia. Kuva: Shutterstock La Gomeralta löytyy upeaa luontoa ja kauniita maisemia. Vaella ja golfaa La Gomeran valtti on sen monimuotoinen luonto. Karut vuoristot, salaperäiset aarniometsät ja mielenkiintoiset kasvit ja puut kiehtovat matkailijoita. La Gomeran saarella lomailijaa odottavat loistavat vaellusmaastot. Monille patikointi on ensisijainen syy saapua saarelle, mutta löhölomastakin kannattaa uhrata yksi päivä vaellusretkelle. Erilaisia reittejä on lukuisia ja niistä voi valita sopivan oman kunnon mukaan. La Gomeralla voi myös harrastaa golfia. Saarella on vain yksi golfkenttä, mutta se on hyvälaatuinen ja taidolla suunniteltu. Viheriön löytää Playa Santiagosta Jardin Tecina -luksushotellin yhteydestä. Rannat ja ruoka La Gomera ei ole yhtä tunnettu rannoistaan kuin muut Kanariansaaret. Auringonpalvonta onnistuu La Gomeralla esimerkiksi Playa Santiagon tai Valle Gran Reyn mustahiekkaisilla uimarannoilla. Meren pohjavirtauksia tulee La Gomeralla varoa. La Gomeralta löytyvät perinteiset kanarialaiset herkut kuten kani sekä ryppyiset kanarianperunat papas arrugadas, jotka nautitaan mojo -kastikkeiden kanssa. Paikallinen erikoisuus on miel de palma, palmuhunaja. La Gomeralla kannattaa syödä myös kalaa sekä paikallisia juustoja. LENNOT, MAJOITUS JA LIIKKUMINEN LA GOMERALLA La Gomeran luontonähtävyyksiä ja pikkukaupunkeja voi kierrellä helposti autolla. Teneriffan kautta perille La Gomeran pikkuinen lentokenttä sijaitsee Playa Santiagossa, ja sinne liikennöivät vain paikalliskoneet Pohjois-Teneriffan kentältä. Helpoiten matka sujuu lentämällä ensin Etelä-Teneriffan Reina Sofia -lentokentälle. Los Cristianosin lomakohteesta lähtee lauttoja, jotka taittavat matkan La Gomeralle alle tunnissa. Reittiä operoivat lauttayhtiöt Fred Olsen ja Naviera Armas. Muutamat suomalaiset matkanjärjestäjät tekevät pakettimatkoja La Gomeralle. Saari kuuluu toisinaan myös kiertomatkojen ohjelmaan. Teneriffalla lomaileville matkailijoille La Gomera on suosittu päiväretkikohde. Finnair ja Norwegian lentävät suoraan Helsingistä Teneriffalle talvikaudella, joten lentoja voi olla jopa useita päivässä. Edullisimmillaan suorat lennot Teneriffalle saa noin 200 eurolla, mutta vilkkaan sesongin aikaan hinnat voivat olla huomattavasti kalliimmat. Edestakaiset lauttaliput Teneriffalta La Gomeralle maksavat edullisimmillaan noin 50 euroa. Majoitusvaihtoehtoja on rajoitetusti Useimmat La Gomeran hotellit ovat keskittyneet Valle Gran Reyn alueelle tai pääkaupunki San Sebastíaniin. Playa Santiagosta löytyy lauttayhtiö Fred Olsenin omistama luksuskompleksi Jardin Tecina, jonka yhteydestä löytyy myös saaren ainoa golfkenttä. Mielenkiintoinen majoitusmuoto La Gomeralla on casa rural, mökki- tai maatilamajoitus luonnon helmassa. Vuokraa polkupyörä tai auto Paikallisbussit liikennöivät La Gomeralla, mutta kannattaa huomioida, että ne kulkevat varsin harvakseltaan. Autonvuokraus on saarella suositeltavaa. Tietysti myös polkupyörällä pääsee kätevästi paikasta toiseen – maastopyöräily onkin saarella suosittu laji. La Gomeralla on upeat vaellusmaastot, ja monet turistit saapuvatkin saarelle päästäkseen patikoimaan vehreään luontoon yhdessä koko Espanjan syrjäisimmistä kohteista. Tällöin kulkupelejä ei juuri tarvita. Kuva: Shutterstock San Sebastian on saaren tunnelmallinen pääkaupunki. Garajonayn kansallispuisto on saaren helmi La Gomeran tunnetuin nähtävyys Garajonayn kansallispuisto on Unescon maailmanperintökohde. Kansallispuistosta kohoaa myös saaren korkein huippu, joka on usein peittynyt pilvimereen. Alueelta löytyy laakeripuumetsää, jota ennen kasvoi laajasti Välimeren alueella, mutta joka nyt on erittäin harvinainen. Garajonayn ikivihreässä sademetsässä voi tuntea liikkuvansa oikeassa taikametsässä. Alueelta voi bongata myös erikoisia kasveja ja puita. Sumun ja kostean ilmaston takia kansallispuistoon kannattaa pukeutua lämpimästi. Viehättävä pääkaupunki San Sebastían La Gomeran pikkuinen pääkaupunki San Sebastían on enemmänkin kylä kuin kaupunki. San Sebastíanin kaduilla on mukava kävellä perinteisiä kanarialaistaloja ihaillen. Pääkaupungista löytyy myös muutama nähtävyys – paikallinen kirkko La Iglesia de la Asuncíon on peräisin 1500-luvulta ja siellä voi tutustua taideaarteisiin. Casa de Colon on museona toimiva talo, jossa Kristoffer Kolumbuksen kerrotaan asuneen ennen Amerikan-valloitustaan. San Sebastíanin keskustasta löytyy Torre del Conde, 1400-luvun puolivälissä rakennettu torni, joka on yksi Kanariansaarten vanhimpia rakennuksia. Saaren näköalapaikat La Gomeran huikein näköalapaikka on saaren pohjoisrannikolla sijaitseva Mirador de Abrante, jonne on rakennettu lasipohjainen kävelysilta. Ylhäältä aukeavat maisemat Agulon laaksoon ja kirkkaalla säällä sieltä voi nähdä jopa naapurisaari Teneriffan. Toinen upea näköalapaikka on Mirador Ermita del Santo, josta voi ihastella Valle Gran Reyn upeaa aluetta. Näköalapaikalle voi saapua vaikka jalkapatikassa ja vierestä löytyy myös pieni kirkko. La Gomeralla onnistuu myös rennon rantapäivän vietto. La Gomeran parhaat elämykset Ihastu Garajonayn kansallispuistoon Kuuntele paikallisten taitamaa vihellyskieltä Tee vaellusretki saaren upeassa maastossa Tutustu San Sebastíanin kaupunkiin Vietä rento rantapäivä auringosta nauttien La Gomeran viralliset matkailusivut Kanariansaarten viralliset matkailusivut Teksti: Maria Hietala, Krista Ahonen Kuvat: Shutterstock Päivitetty: 10. 8. 2019.
Fome culiao. Os hemos encontrado de casualidad y el primer video que vemos nos interesa muichisimo ya que en 1 mes vamos a conocer esta pequeña isla. Nos quedamos por aqui. 1:13 - Eileen (SG Posters) stellt sich vor. Awesome video as usual.
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